The Flying Squad
The cheerleaders in the picture aren’t your typical cheerleaders. They worked incredibly hard to get where they are and be a part of the all-American spectacle, the NFL. They should also be proud of being part of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading team, named the best in the NFL by Sportskeeda.
To become a top cheerleader, you must train hard and make sacrifices.

The Faces of Cheerleading
Do you remember the TV series “Lie to Me?” It was a show about a body language expert, Tim Roth, who analyzed micro-expressions to “expose the truth behind lies.” Since the logic of micro-expressions also applies to well-timed photos, we think Roth would find the cheerleaders in this picture to be genuinely happy!

Becoming a Professional Cheerleader
Being a professional cheerleader is not easy. It is dangerous, and the cheerleaders must pay attention to the players. In 2011, a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader was accidentally tackled by one of the players on her team. The moment was captured in a well-timed photo.

Top to Bottom
While all teams have different roles, cheerleading isn’t about strict hierarchies. It’s about team spirit, and the bond between cheerleaders is hard to match. Even though the life of a cheerleader is not all good, this well-timed sports photo is perfect proof of that.

Like a Fish in Water
Timing is crucial for sports photos. This photo of a synchronized swimmer looks mysterious, with the swimmer’s long body. But if you look closely, you’ll see two women in the photo, not just one. It wasn’t enjoyable, as we thought we were seeing a real-life mermaid for the first time!

Flexibility is Everything
Cheerleaders are known for being flexible. They often travel a lot and like to have fun. This cheerleader shows her friends how light and adaptable she is by putting herself in a tight spot.

Clay Matthews’ L’Oréal Moment
The former American football player Clay Matthews III was photographed in the middle of an NFL game, whipping his long, wet hair. The timing was perfect, and the moment was worthy of a L’Oréal commercial. But surprisingly, no shampoo brand has decided to endorse Matthews just yet.

Well-Timed is an Understatement!
The trophy for the most perfectly-timed photo in the list goes to… the Brazilian soccer player Willian! During his time in Russia, Willian was snapped at the right moment, complaining to the referee in front of one of his teammates. As a result, it looks like he does not have two but four arms. Having four arms would be handy for volleyball but not so much for soccer.

A Hairy Situation
Long hair and sports aren’t exactly a match made in heaven. The tennis player in the picture probably regretted having a ponytail because it got in the way of her eyes and temporarily blinded her during a match. In American football, for instance, having long hair is also a disadvantage because players can pull hair during the game.

100% Focused
Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is often thought of as a less competitive version of tennis. But that’s not true. Table tennis is a very challenging sport, especially at the top level, and is one of the fastest sports in the world. During a professional match, the ping-pong ball can move as fast as 69 miles per hour!